6 months free iolo Search and Recover 5 license for everyone

6 months free iolo Search and Recover 5 license for everyone

In fact many times, we may find it a problem to archive our files in computers. Some times they are placed in a wrong folder, and sometimes they should be deleted. Another trouble aroused – what if we delete important files and empty our recycle bin? OK, that’s why we need recovery toolkits in our daily life. In fact, there are many free alternatives, such as recuva, but if you wanna a premium to try, I think it a good choice for you to start with iolo Search and Recover 5, and luckily, you can now apply a 6 months license for free!

The promotion page: http://iolo.com/Landing/?pid=8ADCFC26-55E6-472f-8013-1300208734BC

An introduction from official site:

Rescues critical work and cherished memories you thought were gone forever

Accidentally deleted photos, files, songs, email or videos, lost even years ago, can be safely recovered with a single click.

Using the wrong recovery software can damage data, reducing your chances of success.
Search and Recover’s powerful technology rescues items other products miss.

Search and Recover rescues data from any drive or device

Recovers from all digital media and devices: cameras, music players, CDs, DVDs, memory cards, flash drives and more
Recovers from all drive types: IDE, SCSI, USB, USB 2.0, FireWire and others
Recovers from all popular e-mail programs: Outlook®, Outlook Express®, Thunderbird, Netscape® Mail and Eudora®
Even recovers data from malfunctioning, damaged, formatted, and repartitioned drives and devices!
Turn frustration to triumph in seconds!

Step-by-step wizards and one-click operations make data recovery fast and easy.

Convenient TotalRecovery™
Point to a folder, device, drive, or CD-DVD to recover all deleted data with a single click.

SmartScan™ technology automatically finds lost data so you can get back to work immediately.

Exclusive StrongScan® feature finds more deleted data than other products, even years after deletion.

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