Change your desktop Wallpaper with Bing4Free
One of the most important reasons why I love Bing ( Another search Engine alternative to Google from Microsoft) is random function of background images. Some images are quite great! and the resolution is just for your desktop wallpaper. So if you can schedule the download work of Bing’s wallpaper. It would be grateful ! That’s what Bing4free can do for you!
What is Bing4free and how it works ? See below,
Bing4free is another wallpaper downloader. You can schedule the application to download wallpaper from daily or even hourly. The application also act as wallpaper changer which help you to change you windows desktop wallpaper.
To unistall it , you may need following steps:
1. If you have turn on auto startup, you must execute application and uncheck auto startup function from the registry.
2. Then, go to %userprofile%\appdata\local, delete Bing4Free folder.
3. If you have decided not to keep all downloaded wallpapers, then go to %userprofile%\pictures, delete Bing4Free folder.
4. You may also want to delete current displayed wallpaper, delete %userprofile%\pictures\Bing4FreeWallpaper.bmp.
5. Finally, delete both Bing4Free.exe and Bing4Free.exe.config.
To use it is quite simple , see a shootcast below and you will know,

To download it , go here :