PDFZilla a powerful PDF to Word converter time-limited free
As an office worker , you will always dealing with documents softwares such as Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat. So you mustn’t strange on Doc files and PDF files. In many cases, we need a converter so that we can converter them from one to another. I have mentioned about some infomation about PDFZilla Check on this post :Free PDFZilla license Code and download link in aeBeta ! And I hope you have enjoy the power of this pdf2word software. And this time , again they are giving away free PDFZilla ’s licenses on GAOTD(New version :1.2.9)
PDFZilla is a desktop application that quickly and accurately convert PDF files into editable Word Documents, RTF’s, Text Files, Images, HTML Files, and Shockwave/Flash/SWF Files.
Therefore, PDFZilla supports most of popular formats: DOC, RTF, TXT, BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, HTML, SWF formats.
PDFZilla has a batch convert mode and Page Selection.
One of the biggest problems with getting text from a PDF file to Word is that if you copy and paste the text manually from PDF to Word, you’ll end up with paragraph returns at the end of every line in the PDF. This means that you will have paragraph returns in the middle of sentences in your Word file. You’ll then have to manually delete those paragraph returns. Although this shortcoming isn’t unique to PDFZilla, it’s still undesirable. I found that PDFZilla didn’t solve the problem–paragraph returns were still in the middle of lines of text.
Also there are free alternatives such as, AnyBizSoft PDF to Word Converter, which does the same thing as PDFZilla, but is free for personal use and is simpler to use.
To download it ,
You can have a check on the official promotion site,
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