AVG Mobilation Pro for Android Free for limited time
According to the latest research on the security of Smart Phones, 76% attacks are targeted to Android Platform. So The security problem is more and more important for common users since there are really a lot of info on privacy and commercial in our Phones. It is hardly to think how it will be when the last defense of our phone is lost. OK, since AVG has released its latest security software special for Android phone and recently they decide to make a promo so that anyone can download and use this software for and also, for quite a limited time so you need to hurry up.
Products:AVG Mobilation Pro
Promo url:http://www.chip.de/downloads/AVG-Anti-Virus-Pro-Android-App-Vollversion_51286690.html
The same threats that are a problem for PCs – viruses, malware and identity theft – are also threats to your mobile device.
AVG Mobilation Pro adds performance controls to the existing features of Anti-Virus Free, to help keep your smartphone not only safe from loss and viruses, but also ensure that it is running at optimal performance.
It is easy to use and works on all versions of Android OS, v1.6 onwards.